Prime Limousine Service
Los Angeles, CA 90010 (323) 935-5466 (323) 927-1678 (800) 743-4183 123bookalimo.com primelimo@gmail.com Helping our customers in english, japanese and russian. Asta, california greater limousine association , national limousine association, tcp-18807. We accept american express, mastercard and visa for payment. Our specialties include airport transportation, corporate travel and limousine service in los angeles. We can assist you with 24 hour dispatch centers, airport transfer, anniversaries, bachelor party, city transfer, corporate accounts, corporate travel, dinner and theatre, frequent rider programs, graduation, ground transportation, handicapped accessibility, hourly rates, limousine services, luggage assistance, meet & greet services, night on the town, online reservations, passenger transportation, phone reservations, proms, round trip discounts, sightseeing tours, sporting events, transportation services, uniformed drivers, vans, wedding, wine tour and winery tours. We've served residential, commercial and industrial customers. We've been in business since 1997. Frequent traveler join our club limo usa. Open for business mon-sun: 05:00 am-05:00 am. Share Your Review Please note: all reviews are screened for spam and take 24-48 hours to be approved.